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Colombia - Narino

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Product Details

Origin: Colombia

Region: Nariño

Municipality: Pasto

Farm/Producer: Finca Matarredonda – Don Enrique Vasquez and family

Elevation: 1,900+ MASL

Varietals: Caturra, Castillo

Process Method: Washed

Roast Level: Medium

Certifications: Rainforest Alliance

Tasting Notes: Maple Syrup, Citrus, Smooth

Additional Information

This fresh crop Colombia – Nariño is truly something spectacular and we are excited to be adding to our roster. We had the pleasure of e-meeting Don along with a host of other excellent producers this past December from a cupping hosted through one of our import partners. We both thoroughly enjoyed the coffee as well as Don’s story (more below), and we were fortunate enough to secure some of that very crop for this year. This coffee is incredibly sessionable, and sure to be a real crowd pleaser. Upon first sip you’ll notice an extremely pleasant and silky smooth mouthfeel, followed by light lemon/citrus acidity with a balanced lingering sweetness that will have your taste buds calling for more. While I haven’t pushed this coffee through the gauntlet of brewing methods just yet, I can see this one being extremely versatile. For those looking for a S.O Espresso this one certainly won’t disappoint.

Behind The Coffee

The Zarama family descends from Spanish army officers who arrived in Nariño during the Colombian Colonial Period. Mr. Jose Antonio and Mrs. Josefina Zarama bought the land in 1900. The only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Zarama, Ms. Amalia started growing coffee at the hacienda in 1950. Her children and grandchildren followed. Mrs. Amalia´s youngest daughter and today´s owner Mrs. Clemencia and her husband Enrique, put all their attention to maintain Matarredonda and the coffee plantation in optimal conditions. Finca Matarredonda has been in hands of the Family for five generations.

Three generations of the Higidio-Himbajoa family have worked as caretakers of the farm passing on the knowledge of coffee growing. More technical assistance has been applied to the coffee plantation to achieve the best coffee cups with environmentally friendly practices. As a result they have a shade grown, bird friendly, Rainforest Alliance Certified, healthy coffee plantation. All coffee byproducts are composted and put back into the plantation. Vermiculture is a practice we follow to improve the soil at coffee nursery. All residual waters from the farm are treated so they don´t contaminate natural sources. Environmentally friendly practices allow diverse species to thrive in the farm next to coffee trees.

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